This Fortnight on perl5-porters - 6-19 February 2006

This Fortnight on perl5-porters - 6-19 February 2006

Andy Lester continues his quest to const -- Jim Cromie refines his arena patch -- Module::Build causes a large increase in the use of Internet bandwidth

This summary uses a new, experimental organisation. The previous method was more-or-less chronological, with minor threads moved to the In Brief section. The new method is to First summarise ad hoc threads that spark off some sort of discussion. Then come the patches sent in by people (the idea being that no patch be left unnoticed, to offer a checklist for pumpkings), followed by discussions of bugs posted to RT.

After that come the usual New Releases, Bug Summary and In Brief sections. Feedback on this new arrangement is welcome.

Topics of Interest

The Great Unicode Slowdown

Back on February 1, Nicholas Clark started to work on the slowdown that occurred between the 5.8.6 and 5.8.7 releases when dealing with Unicode.

The problem is one of excessive shuffling of data behind the API, and Nicholas proposed an additional function to the API to minimise the amount of copying required. Sadahiro Tomoyuki came up with a better, more pragmatic solution that Nicholas came to like, and then found a couple optimisation possibilities that need to be thought about.

He then wrote some code to implement one of the optimisations for index, but sadly Phil Pennock replied that it only had a negligible effect on his code. Tomoyuki explained why this was so, and offered a couple of work-arounds. Phil penned a long reply, explaining what he was trying to do, basically, to "unobtrusively write Unicode-aware scripts for general deployment, with full diagnostic support, which don't require special setup, do deal with user locales, and will work on any moderately recent version of Perl without going tits-up".

Nicholas noted that one of the problems was that -C (the semi-repurposed switch for diddling with Unicode) doesn't work on the shebang line (with a "too late" warning la taint), and wondered how difficult it would be to remove the restriction, which is mainly a minor implementation issue. Rafael Garcia-Suarez noted that there might be problems due to the fact that by the time the shebang line is process, stdin, stdout and stderr are already open (and -C could have an influence on the way they are opened). Nicholas wasn't convinced, mainly because the tokeniser itself remains very primitive in its 8-bit/UTF-8 awareness and handling.

Rafael point to bug #34087, where H.Merijn Brand reasoned that the only sensible course was to ban -C on the command line, much to Abigail's disappointment at the time.

The thread ended with Nicholas. Tomoyuki and Dominic Dunlop discussing encoding pragmas, Perl_sv_recode_from_utf8 and the old ISO 646 7-bit character sets.

  I want my cycles back

At the same time, "ags" filed bug #38595. showing how use encoding 'cp1250' cause regular expressions to run much more slowly than without.

  Slow Unicode regexps

Cleaner Arenas

Jim Cromie continued to put in a lot of work on the arena code. (An arena is a section of memory from which blocks of a fixed size are allocated. Relying on this constraint simplifies the housekeeping significantly and can improve performance).

Nicholas picked up a thread from last week asking where Jim was planning to go with the code, noting that a critical C structure (struct body_details) exposes probably more implementation details than is wise. Jim punted the issue, citing pending patches to be delivered. Both Nicholas and Jim agreed that ideally nothing of the implementation details should leak out through an API (which would then allow internals to be revamped during stable releases), but that allowing a certain amount of inspection, such as for modules within the Devel:: namespace, is a legitimate wish.

Jim did let on that his Grand Scheme concerning body_details was to allow for a much simpler sv_upgrade (the means by which a lowly scalar SV gets converted into a float, a reference or more).

For a while Nicholas and Jim wondered whether the microphone was switched on, since no-one else had commented, so Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes said that everyone was awed into silence.

  Repairing arenasets

Later on, Jim posted a patch that laid the groundwork for further work, which he hoisted out in order to facilitate peer review, the ability to tweak arenas independently, added two new arenas for datatypes that were previously allocated dynamically as a result of that, and reorganised how one looks up the size of an arena's type.

Tels commented on the readability of the code, which Jim explained was a result of the use of macros throughout the code. And it got Jim thinking about whether some of the magic numbers used in the arena code should be upped during configuration time for 64 bit systems.

  Laying the groundwork

  Reclaim an C<HE_SVSLOT>, save some bytes

  No smoke here

Jim posted another patch to make arenas adjust their size to fit N bodies exactly, avoiding wastage for a certain number of data types. At this point he called for help, as he wasn't sure how to initialise PL_arena_sizes[] nor how to clone it (for threads).

  Looking for clues

And after all that effort, Jim generated a consolidated patch to tie all the loose ends up together and bring everything under one roof. Yves Orton tested the patch and gave it a clean bill of health on Win32.

Unfortunately, Nicholas found that it came to grief on t/op/threads.t and he pondered how to fix it. After a few false starts he figured out how to proceed, and most of it went in as change #27215. Yay!

What is needed now is for people to take blead for a spin with large datasets (something the test suite doesn't really do).

  The Full Monte

(Not) building XS modules with MS Visual Studio 2005

Yves "demerphq" Orton described the problems he had encountered with someone trying to build an XS module with MS Visual Studio 2005 and ActiveState build 815 (their most recent 5.8 distribution).

For some modules, such as his own Data::Dumper::Streamer and the core Data::Dumper, the source is compiled (albeit with a certain amount of warnings), a DLL is produced, but Dynaloader fails to load it. For other modules, such as Scalar::Util, the linker fails with an error about an "unresolved external symbol _Perl_seed".

Steve Hay suggested trying to invoke nmake as nmake CCTYPE=MSVC70 which might be sufficient to pull things off, otherwise some work will be required to define a new CCTYPE of MSVC80 in order to bring the code and compiler into agreement.

Steve also pointed out that since ActiveState currently build their perl executable with VC6, one really should build XS extensions with VC6 as well. Using VC7 can be fraught with peril, and now with VS 2005 being equivalent to a VC8, the mismatch in C run-time libraries may be getting to the point where things just do not (and cannot) work any more.

Jan Dubois analysed the points Yves raised in turn and explained why things were failing and what to do about them.

Jan also provided a bit more information about which compiler versions and their attendant run-time libraries work with perl, and which ones don't (in brief: don't write XS in C++). Steve noted that he had had trouble most notably with file descriptors (perl thinking a file was open, XS thinking it was closed) when compiling XS with VC7 when perl was compiled with VC6.

  Oh no! not another DLL hell!

Unused Perl_save_* functions

After running some coverage analysis, Nicholas discovered that a slew of functions Perl_save_svref, Perl_save_long, Perl_save_I16 and the like were unused, and wondered whether they had to remain, in order to support legacy XS code. Depending on the answer they could either be deleted or moved to mathoms.c (the graveyard for ye olde retired functions).

Rafael Garcia-Suarez ran a gonzui search and found nothing, but also reasoned that since they're part of the public API, there's nothing stopping an XS author from saving arbitrary data on the stack. So he thought it would be fine to move them over to mathoms. On the other hand, if they were removed, that would cascade a certain amount of enum cruft as well.

Nick Ing-Simmons mentioned that Tk (naturally) uses save_svref for some nefarious (but quite legitimate) purposes, but was quite happy to see them move to mathoms.c.

  Save the mathoms

Making U magic available for hashes

Anno Siegel sent in a long message, describing how he wanted to apply PERL_MAGIC_uvar or U magic work with hask keys. The aim was to provide some more support for inside-out objects. This would be a cleaner approach than using tied hashes. Instead, from the key one would be able to get to the reference in a more direct manner.

And instead of just waving his arms and saying how good it would be, Anno supplied a patch against 5.9.3 showing some proof-of-concept code and asked for feedback.

Yves noticed the parallel between this work and the work he did when putting the trie optimisation into the regexp engine, but also that using reference addresses are apparently not recommended in threaded environments.

Rafael poked at the patch and asked for some example code, to allow him to weigh up the benefits. Anno delivered a couple, and then went back to work on refining the concept.


pp_bit_and, pp_bit_x?or and USE_LEFT

Nicholas found an interesting discrepancy between a trio of functions in pp.c. On the one hand pp_bit_and does one thing, whereas pp_bit_or and pp_bit_xor throw a ternary operator into the works for what is otherwise very similar code. It's been there a long time, is touched upon in bug #17809 and Nicholas wanted to know more.

No-one appeared to remember anything about it at all.

  Lost in the mists of time

DESTROY never dies

Stas Bekman noted that

  perl -le 'my($x,$y) = (1,0); my $z=$x/$y; print "done"'

dies with Illegal division by zero but on the other hand

  package A;
  sub new {bless {},'A'};
  sub DESTROY { my($x,$y) = (1,0); my $x = $x/$y }
  my $X=A->new;
  print "done"

produces the output done. The die has been eaten, and the person running the program has no idea that anything is amiss.

Unfortunately, Stas was Warnocked on this issue.

Never one to let such a trifling matter bother him, Stas filed a bug report:

Benchmarking the effect of build options

Linda Walsh wanted to know if there was a package that would let her benchmark the results of different build options, such as compiler optimisation levels, enabling threads and the like.

Jim suggested using Test::Smoke as a starting point, and make it run perlbench instead of make test. H.Merijn Brand added some of his own conclusions he'd made along these lines, and whipped up a small program to extract the times of the different runs in a smoke test, and produced some interesting figures as a starting point.

Why ref(qr/foo/) is Regexp

John P. Linderman looked through all the POD he was able to, but was unable to find where it was explained that qr/foo/ is of type Regexp and thought that it should be mentioned.

Yves pointed out that code is free to bless a Regexp into another package, which means that its ref() will then return the name of the other package. In fact, when this happens, there is no way of determining that something that set out as a Regexp but has since been blessed as something else, was, at the outset, a Regexp.

  There must be some way of making an obfu out of this behaviour

Module::Build,, ExtUtils::MakeMaker and UINST=1

Randal L. Schwartz wrote in to say that with recent versions of all of the above he was not able to install Zoidberg and wanted to know whether it was Module::Build's fault.

A massive thread resulted from this simple question, and happily it did not devolve into a flame war, at least not too much. There are two points of view, each with their merits. But since the two viewpoints are not diametrically opposed, at times the parties seem to be talking at cross purposes.

Tels saved the day by summarising it nicely, so I shall point you to his summary:

  The thread

  The thread, accord to Tels

Revisiting the saving of the regexp state

Nicholas Clark had been looking for where code deals with $1 and found some code in mg.c and wondered if there was code elsewhere that diddled with these number variables directly.

This week he understood why his proposed optimisation wouldn't fly. Which got him thinking about another approach. Which he also figured wouldn't work either.

In related work, a patch that had been stuck in limbo was applied. Neither Nicholas nor Rafael nor Robin Houston were certain the patch was perfect, but reasoned that smoke tests should be sufficient to test it. That, and testing CPAN modules with blead.

  Back in January

  And fast-forward to now

  More voodoo

Mac OS/Lamp port sources available

Joshua Juran posted the address where people could download the Lamp port of perl 5.6.1, (I believe this is the result of reviving the old MacPerl port).

  Where to get it

  System requirements


Nicholas Clark wanted to know what old style XSUBs were. They appear to be so old as to be not used any more. Nick Ing-Simmons was quite convinced that this was the case. And he should know, having written Tk as one of the first 5.000 extensions, and it used the new calling conventions... Andy Dougherty agreed, saying that his only recollection was of Malcolm Beattie's own pre-5.000 Tk module used the original XSUB style, and PERL_XSUB_OLDSTYLE was an effort to continue to keep it working.

Nicholas fired up the chain-saw.

Patches of Interest

Patches from Debian for 5.8.8

Brendan O'Dea kindly posted the patches that Debian have been carrying along on that distribution's Perl package. The points are: a patch for insecure temporary files, a POD edit, a precedence fix, a patch for long lines in /etc/groups and a redundant compiler flag on the sparc platform.

Gisle Aas noted that all but one patch were already in blead, but punted on the \x{2010} POD/groff patch, soliciting the opinion of others. Brendan pointed out that the patch was for verbatim text, which is usually code, hence it should be left untouched, and that Russ Allbery had solved the problem in a different way in the current version of podlators.

Nicholas Clark noted that the long lines bug merely requires a merge of which has drifted significantly between maint and blead, which is apparently not for the faint of heart. This script is used to generate reentr.h and reentr.c which in turn allows the perl codebase to abstract away the differences in the thread-safe (re-entrant) versions of various system calls.

Now that podlators had been fixed to allow the re-use of parser objects, Nicholas has less objections about merging it into maint, which would fix the POD problem, although Yitzchak pointed out that the code in the SYNOPSIS section of old Pod::Man doesn't yet work as advertised. And after a bit of prodding from Russ, Yitzchak coughed up an exhaustive list of all the niggly compatibility problems that need to be addressed. But pointed out that some of the issues may have been conscious design decisions to drop functionality deemed to be useless (but if so then it should be mentioned explicitly). Russ said that the goal was to emulate the old interface completely (so I expect we will see subsequent releases of podlators addressing these issues).

  De patches from Debian

Fixing broken valgrind targets in make

Jim Cromie noticed that a number of targets, such as test.valgrind, check.valgrind and the like did not all work correctly (that is, at all), and proposed a patch to make them work again. (valgrind is a tool to track down illegal memory accesses, usually caused by errant pointers). Patch applied by Steve Peters as change #27128.

  Grinding into emptiness

What Andy Lester has been doing

Andy Lester delivered a number of patches during his quest to const.

  Marking unused arguments (applied as #27129)

Nick Ing-Simmons cautioned that the following patch might break Win32. Yves said that he'd happily smoke anything from people who needed to verify Win32 compliance. Nicholas wondered whether Steve Hay's and Abe Timmerman's smoke tests were sufficient to uncover problems. Jan explained what recipe was needed in general when doing XS work on Win32, confirming that Andy's patch did no harm. Jim Cromie sent in a snippet from his Test::Smoke configuration to show how he smokes these things. Not applied.

  Removing unused contexts
  And then some more, still no takers

Andy took a fresh stab, this time removing pTHXs, redoing the s/Nullop/NULL/ change and sundry consting thrown in for good measure. This was applied as change #27136.

  And then some stuff from perly.patch

Now that many pTHXs are no longer, some arguments need to be marked explicitly as unused in order to silence warnings for the Sun Studio compiler. Rafael realised that this patch would break non-threaded builds, so Andy went away to cook up a better batch.

  A first attempt at linting, not applied

  In which perly.c is examined (not applied)

  And some POD rewording (change #27174)

  More lint removal (change #27177)

  The end of the line of the Nullxx macros (change #27238)

Better long path name support for VMS

John E. Malmberg supplied some patches against blead to make long path names work in readdir and the like for VMS:

Better xcopy support for Win32

Yves Orton supplied a patch to suppress xcopy from prompting every two seconds when rebuilding on Win32. Which I can see would get you down over the long run. Applied as change #27195, with the proviso that it makes life more difficult for the Windows 9x platforms.

So: Warning to all Windows Millenium and Windows 95 users: recompiling perl on your platform will now cause you grief and undue suffering. (But hey, you knew that already).

Hash::Util enhancement

Yves also sent in a large patch to add some functionality to Hash::Util. Applied as change #27180.

Patch for perl to compile/work on DragonFlyBSD

Robert Sebastian Gerus sent in a patch to make perl compile correctly on the DragonFlyBSD platform. H.Merijn Brand applied it as change #27189.

  Whee! Another platform supported

  More on DragonFly

stat() and trailing slashes on Win32

Jan Dubois noticed that stat behaves differently on windows when statting a directory, according to whether the directory to stat has a trailing slash or not. So he posted a patch to canonicalise the names to sane values.

This was applied by Rafael, but it sparked off a long thread, where we learn that Windows allows hard links (although the method to achieve them is somewhat cumbersome) and there are problems in getting the timestamps up to date when "the other" link updates the file.

Yves disliked the fact that statting a file required it to be opened and closed, in order to force the timestamps to be refreshed, as it incurs a significant performance penalty. Worse, as hard links are so rare, (since the means to create them are all but invisible to mere mortals), this high cost is paid every time for what is literally a can't happen event. He wanted to have some mechanism whereby the open and close timestamp refresh trick could be skipped by default, but that by flipping a bit the check could be re-enabled if needed.

Jan Dubois came up with the best idea: using, which was invented to solve exactly this sort of problem.

A test case for Pod::Plainer

chromatic sent in a simple test case for Pod::Plainer, with the desire to see Schwern poorer. Read the second link to understand what this is all about.

  The patch

  Schwern throws down the gauntlet

t/op/stat can fail under Darwin

There's a test in t/op/stat that can fail on Darwin. It tests that ctime == mtime, except that it is possible to see 1 second differences on HFS+ file systems. Anno Siegel patched the test to have Darwin skip it, and pointed out that ideally the test to see whether the test should be skipped should be based on the type of filesystem the test is being run on, not the type of operating system.

Rafael applied the patch, but pointed out that such testing for the filesystem would be... difficult.

Patches: B, CGI, ExtUtils::MM_Unix

[PATCH] Make SDBM_File work with -Duse64bitall on Darwin (Mac OS X)

[PATCH] Trouble with $ENV{CDPATH} after change #27236

New and old bugs from RT

Script misses EOF on Solaris (#1734)

Steve Peters visited a venerable (seven year old) bug, and confirmed its potency on Solaris. The test script reads its own program as input (but I imagine any file open for read would do), and then forks off a child, and the child prints out its line and then exits. On a number of operating systems it works as expected (that is, it halts after having read the last line of input) but on Solaris (and Unixware) when it gets to the last line it starts over at the beginning.

Alan Burlison pointed to another discussion on the matter

where it transpires that a child should call POSIX::_exit instead of exit. Do that, and the problem goes away.

use locale has no effect (#2200)

Six years ago, "gomar" noted that the behaviour with use locale started to have no effect prior to 5.6, but that it worked in 5.005_03. Steve Peters observed that it now worked correctly in 5.8, so the fix was made somewhere between 5.5.650 and 5.8 (and the Changes file should reflect it).

Yves Orton wondered whether Steve was seeing the same glyphs in his mail client that Yves was seeing in his, because what Yves saw of Steve's tests didn't look the same as the original poster's tests. The kind of thing that makes one pine for 7-bit ASCII.

PAR, autouse, and 64-bit Linux (#38441)

Philippe Schaffnit reported the difficulty he was having when producing stand alone executables with PAR that use autouse. The symptom he was encountering was

  Can't locate in @INC

Nick Ing-Simmons described a couple of basic checks to carry out, which Philippe wondered how to do. Nick replied that his usual technique was to run the program in question under strace (or struss depending on your operating system) and then grep the resulting output, looking for the offending .pm file.

Coredump when starting webmin (#38449)

"kamy" noted that webmin dumps core when run by 5.8.7. Steve Peters replied that the best option was to patch the current version with a series of patches and upgrade Sys::Syslog, or perhaps more simply, upgrade to 5.8.8. Webmin itself should also be upgraded to 1.269.

This resolves the issues surrounding the buffer overflows discovered in Webmin and Perl last year. And if you have a Webmin installation, you should do the same.

chdir() and filehandle parameters (#38457)

Peter Dintelmann discovered that the new functionality for chdir when the argument is a filehandle, as in:

    open F, '/tmp' or die $!;
    chdir F or warn $!;

doesn't work, although chdir *F and chdir $fh do. The problem is that perl considers F to be a bareword in this context, which leads to a Bareword "F" not allowed error. Rafael was pretty sure that a very minor edit to would declare it legal in blead, but was worried about backwards compatibility issues if it were allowed in maint.

Gisle took a stab at making it work by mirroring how perl deals with the task of truncating a file handle, but discovered that things were trickier than they first appeared.

Nicholas considered that the semantic change of chdir foo was to great to be allowed to go into maint. Nick Ing-Simmons was sure it would cause trouble.

  Taking a crack at it

Peter replied via RT, arguing that stat() and truncate() already behave this way, and that this would provide more consistency.

Gisle said that the patch was in blead, precisely on the basis of the argument of consistency. He also pointed out that chown, chmod and utime do not currently accept filehandles, but they are documented as taking LISTs as arguments. Between changing the functions to allow globs as argument or pinning down the semantics more precisely with a documentation patch, Gisle voted for the latter course of action.

Nicholas began to regret having merged the initial dirhandle/filehandle patches from blead that opened up this can or worms. Gisle was more optimistic, saying that bareword file handles are legacy and should not be used in new code anyway. (Note to self: do not let Gisle see my code).

  Inconsistent consistencies

chdir() and closed filehandle parameters (#38457)

Peter also discovered that

  open $f, '/tmp' or die $!;
  close $f;
  chdir $f or warn $!;

produced the warning something's wrong, and attached a patch to change the warning to chdir() on closed filehandle. Rafael liked the concept, and eventually applied it to blead as change #27130.

  A puff of smoke is seen

On a roll, Peter also thought about the Cwd module, which offers a version of chdir that $ENV{PWD} synchronised with directory changes. As might be guessed, the following doesn't work:

  # assuming the script is run from /var/tmp (or elsewhere)
  open $f, "/tmp";
  chdir $f;
  print $ENV{PWD}; # prints /tmp/GLOB(0x233b8)

Apparently no fixes forthcoming at this time.

@- contains garbage after a failed match (#38461)

Lukas Mai posted a bug report with an aptly-named that goes something like

  for my $re (qr/fo/, qr/a/) {
    'foo' =~ /$re/;
    print scalar @-, "\n"; # prints some huge number
    print "@-\n";          # eats all available memory

Works okay the first time through the loops, comes to grief the second time. Yves Orton diplomatically suggested that while this was perhaps not a very desirable outcome, if one does not take the pains to check whether the match actually succeeds then one shouldn't expect @- to contain anything useful. Lukas replied that he would settle for undef or an empty list, rather than garbage.

Nicholas tried to attack the bug, but whenever he looked at it with a debugged build the problem went away, which led Andreas to notice the similarity between this bug and another one (#38363) that he had been working with the same kinds of symptoms.

After going through a bit of pain, Nicholas spotted what he hoped was the root of the problem, and committed a one line change (#27133) to fix it.

A curiously lethal regular expression problem (#38470)

Nigel Sandever posted a short piece of code that uses pos and a moderately large string. It loops for a while (or not at all) and then dies with a core dump. Nigel and Nicholas identified the problem as runaway recursion in the regexp engine. For the time being the work-around is Don't Do That Then.

Here's hoping that Dave Mitchell greps for his name in the summaries when he gets back on the net.

Data::Dumper only warns on unhandled reference types (#38484)

Give Data::Dumper a weird reference type it doesn't know how to handle, and it will spit out a warning, but then goes on to emit some nonsensical Perl code that may not even compile. Nicholas thought that Data::Dumper should have the good grace to up and die if unable to do anything sensible.

Yves thought it was a bug, since the pure-Perl Data::Dumper implementation correctly dies under the same circumstances. He also was interested in knowing what to do, since his own module, Data::Dumper::Streamer, didn't cope with the construct either. (Which is *STDOUT{IO} in the bug report).

Nicholas wasn't sure what to do either, noting that even perl itself has a fit when it tries to dereference such a beast, as in $x = ${*STDOUT{IO}}.

Yitzchak made a small fix to pp.c to make things die more gracefully.

use integer; 0x80000000/-1 (#38485)

Inspired by something he heard on perl6-internals, Nicholas discovered that

  use integer;

will dump core with a floating point exception, at least on x86 hardware running FreeBSD. He wanted to know whether it was worth trapping, and dying with a more useful error, akin to dividing by zero. Steve Peters discovered that a number of different platforms puked over the code in strange and entertaining ways, but reflected that it were best they all died the same way, so he committed change #27155 to do just that.

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes hated that, since it meant that now systems would die on the error, despite the fact that before the patch was added, they would have carried on just fine, and suggested it be reverted and a different proposed patch be applied instead. Rafael complied.

  More background on the matter, courtesy Wikipedia

-x allows -M on the shebang line (#38488)

Nicholas pointed out that the following doesn't work

  #!perl -Mstrict
  print "foo\n";

but if you run the same script with perl -x... it does! And wondered why this was the case. Yitzchak and Rafael thought that the path of least resistance was to make -M legal on the command line.

New Core Modules

Andreas Koenig uploaded version 1.64 of

John Peacock uploaded versions 0.54, 0.55 and 0.56_03 of


Russ Allbery released podlators 2.0.4

In Brief

Andreas Koenig noticed that POE's test suite was issuing the dreaded *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption errors with blead@27059. Nicholas ascribed the problem to a single missing tilde, which he fixed with change #27166. Andreas was pleased.

Enrico Sorcinelli wondered why stable is still version 5.8.7, according to now that 5.8.8 has been released. As it turns out, it wasn't sloth on the part of the CPAN master librarian (ook!), but rather a policy decision to wait a certain amount of time, to see whether the early adopters after the public announcement uncover any show-stopping bugs, before declaring the release to be stable.

As it turned out, at the time this summary was written, the 5.8.8 release had been officially declared the stable version.

Nicholas discovered a difference between 5.8.7 and 5.8.8. In the latter version, the following occurs:

  $[ = 2; # warns of "Useless use of a constant in void context"

... but he doubted that it was going to cause problems.

He also realised that a grand total of zero people tested the 5.8.8 release with 5.005 threads. Which may mean they are dead (either the threads or the people, take your pick).

When prowling around in mg.c, Nicholas came what he thought was an errant break that could never be reached, and asked if anyone could devise a snippet to reach it. No-one did.

  You can't get there from here

A smoke on windows blew up due to PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS choking on a pTHX that had been removed. Jan Dubois provided the voice of reason and got it all lined up again.

Going back to a thread from mid-January asking whether SOFT_CAST could be removed, Nicholas went ahead and got rid of it.

Robert Hicks would like to see a couple of new features in DProf: the ability to specify a path destination for the .out file, and to name the .out file based on the name of the script.

Yes, these would be nice additions. Earn fame and glory by being the first person to send in a patch to do this.

Merijn Broeren discovered that compiling c++ code via SWIG no longer works with 5.8.8, spotted something that had changed somewhere between 5.8.4 and 5.8.8, and posted a patch to straighten it all out. Applied as change #27203 by Rafael.

Perl5 Bug Summary

1543 open tickets as of 2006-02-06.

and 6 more as of 2006-02-13.

  All the bugs in the world

About this summary

This summary was written by David Landgren. Compiling this last fortnight has consumed most of my evenings this week. And yet, try as I might, I cannot seem to find the way to summarise things more succinctly. My apologies for the length, and congratulations if you have managed to read as far as here. Now to start on this week's summary.

Adriano Ferreira has had to step down for a while, due to constraints In Real Life. I hope we'll see him in the summariser's seat again in the future. In the meantime, if writing summaries is your definition of fun, drop me a note and we'll share the work.

Information concerning bugs referenced in this summary (as #nnnnn) may be viewed at

Information concerning patches to maint or blead referenced in this summary (as #nnnnn) may be viewed at

If you want a bookmarklet approach to viewing bugs and change reports, there are a couple of bookmarklets that you might find useful on my page of Perl stuff:

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